Pass by! On Saturday September 2 2023 at 6 pm we will inaugurate the new billboard “Gravity” by Nara Pfister in the passage from the front to the back house.
Amerbach Studios
The Amerbach Studios cooperative is both a studio and a residential community. It houses VIA, a studio for audio, video and performance art with occasional studio events, founded in the fall of 1988, as well as a number of studios of artists and designers, a guest studio, the library Bildwechsel Basel, storage rooms in the basement, and an exhibition space in the stairwell at the back building. In addition to five apartments for artists, the front building includes projects such as the billboard, with its changing exhibitions, and the Monatsmodell (monthly model), working as an experimental space for test runs in public.
Cooperative creation
Since 2012, VIA and several artists’ studios have been based in the rear building of Amerbachstrasse 55a. In 2015, the cooperative Amerbach Studios was founded by this community to acquire the building complex and remove it from the free market in the long term. In 2016, the Amerbach Studios cooperative acquired the building rights of the rear and front buildings from the Equimo Foundation—a subsidiary of the Edith Maryon Foundation.
Cooperative members*
Nicole Boillat, Babette Casale, Roland Frei, Chris Hunter, Susanna Kobler, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Christoph Örtli, Chris Regn, Andrea Saemann, Marcel Schwald, Gaby Streiff, Silvia Studerus, Lorenz Wiederkehr, Bena Zemp, Sus Zwick
Building history
The building complex was built in 1963 by architect Freddy Hiener. With its residential and office spaces, the rear building was originally home to a company and production facility for shoemaking products. This was followed by a paint centre, a balloon service in the front building and the ISW publishing house, until VIA moved into the rear building as a tenant in 2012. Architecturally, the basic structure remains in its original condition, as a spacious building from the sixties.
Located on the first floor of the rear building, VIA is an association founded in 1988 by graduates of the “Video Class” of Basel School of Art and Design. VIA is a production site for video, audio, photo, music and performance art which operates a collaborative, technical infrastructure as well as spaces for artistic activities. In addition to an open studio space, VIA runs both a video and sound studio, and a shared kitchen with a large table. It also functions as a performance space for studio events, a place for exchange and joint development, planning and realisation—a place for collective production. VIA is a community of artists, designers, artist groups, performers, musicians, curators and mediators, so it is ideal for interdisciplinary work.
Muda Mathis → Mail
VIA members
Christoph Oertli → Web
Fränzi Madörin
Muda Mathis → Web
Chris Regn
Andrea Saemann → Web
Markus Goessi → Web
Sus Zwick → Web
Passive members and guests
Michèle Fuchs
David Kerman → Web
Thomas Kneubühler → Web
Valentin Spiess → Web
Iris Ganz → Web
Eva Pandora Band → Web
Nora Band
Hercli Bundi
The following projects are currently based at VIA
Les Reines Prochaines → Web
Les Reines Prochaines and Friends* → Web
Performance Chronik Basel → Web
Revolving Histories → Web
Studios 1–5
On the second floor of the back building you will find workstations and studios of artists, designers, programmers, theatre creators, as well as a guest studio.
Bena Zemp → PDF
Silvia Studerus → Web
Gaby Streiff
Natascha Nüesch
Marcel Schwald → Web
Edit, Nicole Boillat → Web
Amerbach Guest Studio → PDF
Bildwechsel Basel
Bildwechsel Basel is an organisational model for women* artists with a library and a video collection located on the first floor of the rear building. This initiative is associated with—an umbrella organisation for women/media/culture founded in Hamburg in 1979.
With the Shared Library we want to make books, catalogues and documents by and about artists accessible for all art and text lovers!
Bildwechsel Basel also hosts the artistic collaborative Wikipedia writing group “Who writes his_tory?” This group organises writing workshops to inscribe more women* artists and collective work into Wikipedia with the purpose of discussing and making the wiki space more aware of the art world. For information about events and Wikipedia consultation hours:,
Video documents from curatorial and self-organised performative projects are made available under the name The Digital Sea. These collections can be accessed on storage media at Bildwechsel Basel, but also on the online platform of the Mediathek FHNW.
Additionally, Bildwechsel Basel is the location of the publishing house Existenz und Produkt, founded by Nicole Boillat, Lena Eriksson, Iris Ganz and Chris Regn:,
Chris Regn → Mail
Amerbach Street Exhibition Space
Exhibitions and events are organised on the flamboyant entrance and magnificent staircase of the two floors in the back building. This space may function with or without curatorship and relies on artists' initiative and desire to exhibit their work. Projects can be placed here in their raw beginnings or as polished works, and put up, projected, performed, served and discussed.
Chris Hunter → Mail
The left side of the corridor that goes from the street to the back building has been used as a curated billboard since 2016. This project invites artists and collectives to create individual or group works. Productions are displayed for one season on a 18 m × 1.28 m area of the wall.
Nicole Boillat → Mail
Monatsmodell / Monthly Model
Since October 2016, a variety of long-cherished projects have been tried out for a limited time in a 20m² room.
The Monthly Model is located on the ground floor of the front building so as to invite walk-in visitors from Amerbachstrasse. There, projects can be tested for their feasibility and ideas tried out for one month, as well as CHF 300 in expenses.
This space has already hosted a hair salon, a video bar, a cacao ceremony, a ceramic duet, a studio, an exhibition with a different position on each of the four walls, a collector's shop, a drawing sale, a salsa disco, a textile production, and much more. You may send us your long-held wishes, concerns, and time slots.
Chris Regn → Mail
Pass by! On Saturday September 2 2023 at 6 pm we will inaugurate the new billboard “Gravity” by Nara Pfister in the passage from the front to the back house.
Amerbach Studios
The Amerbach Studios cooperative is both a studio and a residential community. It houses VIA, a studio for audio, video and performance art with occasional studio events, founded in the fall of 1988, as well as a number of studios of artists and designers, a guest studio, the library Bildwechsel Basel, storage rooms in the basement, and an exhibition space in the stairwell at the back building. In addition to five apartments for artists, the front building includes projects such as the billboard, with its changing exhibitions, and the Monatsmodell (monthly model), working as an experimental space for test runs in public.
Cooperative creation
Since 2012, VIA and several artists’ studios have been based in the rear building of Amerbachstrasse 55a. In 2015, the cooperative Amerbach Studios was founded by this community to acquire the building complex and remove it from the free market in the long term. In 2016, the Amerbach Studios cooperative acquired the building rights of the rear and front buildings from the Equimo Foundation—a subsidiary of the Edith Maryon Foundation.
Cooperative members*
Nicole Boillat, Babette Casale, Roland Frei, Chris Hunter, Susanna Kobler, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Christoph Örtli, Chris Regn, Andrea Saemann, Marcel Schwald, Gaby Streiff, Silvia Studerus, Lorenz Wiederkehr, Bena Zemp, Sus Zwick
Building history
The building complex was built in 1963 by architect Freddy Hiener. With its residential and office spaces, the rear building was originally home to a company and production facility for shoemaking products. This was followed by a paint centre, a balloon service in the front building and the ISW publishing house, until VIA moved into the rear building as a tenant in 2012. Architecturally, the basic structure remains in its original condition, as a spacious building from the sixties.
Located on the first floor of the rear building, VIA is an association founded in 1988 by graduates of the “Video Class” of Basel School of Art and Design. VIA is a production site for video, audio, photo, music and performance art which operates a collaborative, technical infrastructure as well as spaces for artistic activities. In addition to an open studio space, VIA runs both a video and sound studio, and a shared kitchen with a large table. It also functions as a performance space for studio events, a place for exchange and joint development, planning and realisation—a place for collective production. VIA is a community of artists, designers, artist groups, performers, musicians, curators and mediators, so it is ideal for interdisciplinary work.
Muda Mathis → Mail
VIA members
Christoph Oertli → Web
Fränzi Madörin
Muda Mathis → Web
Chris Regn
Andrea Saemann → Web
Markus Goessi → Web
Sus Zwick → Web
Passive members and guests
Michèle Fuchs
David Kerman → Web
Thomas Kneubühler → Web
Valentin Spiess → Web
Iris Ganz → Web
Eva Pandora Band → Web
Nora Band
Hercli Bundi
The following projects are currently based at VIA
Les Reines Prochaines → Web
Les Reines Prochaines and Friends* → Web
Performance Chronik Basel → Web
Revolving Histories → Web
Studios 1–5
On the second floor of the back building you will find workstations and studios of artists, designers, programmers, theatre creators, as well as a guest studio.
Bena Zemp → PDF
Silvia Studerus → Web
Gaby Streiff
Natascha Nüesch
Marcel Schwald → Web
Edit, Nicole Boillat → Web
Amerbach Guest Studio → PDF
Bildwechsel Basel
Bildwechsel Basel is an organisational model for women* artists with a library and a video collection located on the first floor of the rear building. This initiative is associated with—an umbrella organisation for women/media/culture founded in Hamburg in 1979.
With the Shared Library we want to make books, catalogues and documents by and about artists accessible for all art and text lovers!
Bildwechsel Basel also hosts the artistic collaborative Wikipedia writing group “Who writes his_tory?” This group organises writing workshops to inscribe more women* artists and collective work into Wikipedia with the purpose of discussing and making the wiki space more aware of the art world. For information about events and Wikipedia consultation hours:,
Video documents from curatorial and self-organised performative projects are made available under the name The Digital Sea. These collections can be accessed on storage media at Bildwechsel Basel, but also on the online platform of the Mediathek FHNW.
Additionally, Bildwechsel Basel is the location of the publishing house Existenz und Produkt, founded by Nicole Boillat, Lena Eriksson, Iris Ganz and Chris Regn:,
Chris Regn → Mail
Amerbach Street Exhibition Space
Exhibitions and events are organised on the flamboyant entrance and magnificent staircase of the two floors in the back building. This space may function with or without curatorship and relies on artists' initiative and desire to exhibit their work. Projects can be placed here in their raw beginnings or as polished works, and put up, projected, performed, served and discussed.
Chris Hunter → Mail
The left side of the corridor that goes from the street to the back building has been used as a curated billboard since 2016. This project invites artists and collectives to create individual or group works. Productions are displayed for one season on a 18 m × 1.28 m area of the wall.
Nicole Boillat → Mail
Monatsmodell / Monthly Model
Since October 2016, a variety of long-cherished projects have been tried out for a limited time in a 20m² room.
The Monthly Model is located on the ground floor of the front building so as to invite walk-in visitors from Amerbachstrasse. There, projects can be tested for their feasibility and ideas tried out for one month, as well as CHF 300 in expenses.
This space has already hosted a hair salon, a video bar, a cacao ceremony, a ceramic duet, a studio, an exhibition with a different position on each of the four walls, a collector's shop, a drawing sale, a salsa disco, a textile production, and much more. You may send us your long-held wishes, concerns, and time slots.
Chris Regn → Mail